15th Annual Black New England Conference

Crossing River Jordan: Healing Racial Wounds Through Accountability & Truth-telling

 Friday, October 22, 2022

A Community Ritual for Healing

Traditional African spirituality does not separate itself from the mundane activities of daily life. Life sprang from its soil, warmed by the sun, and nurtured by its waters. The pandemic forces us to distance ourselves from each other and to find new ways to connect.

For this conference, we offer this ritual as an act of remembrance, a way for us to connect, and a way for us to take a step on the journey towards healing, truth-telling, and forgiveness.


  • a candle & matches
  • a small plant
  • a vessel of water
  • an image of someone, or something that you want to forgive (This could be yourself.)


When the drumming starts, light the candle for warmth and enlightenment, then pour some water into the soil of the plant as a symbol of nurturing the earth. Take a sip for yourself.  Close your eyes and listen to the chants and feel your connection to the ancestors. Feel your connection to the ancient thread of all humanity. Take three deep breaths out and in and imagine what it feels like to release the burden of guilt. Let go. As you breathe notice what comes to mind, what comes in, feel the lightness of forgiveness.

As you open your eyes, feel the basic human connection we share. Let us keep this in our hearts as we listen, express, learn and heal together.

Share your Experience:

Take a picture of your altar and share it with us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.  Feel free to share your thoughts as well. Use the hashtag #BNEC2021 and tag @BlackHeritageNH