Audience Instructions

The Black Heritage Trail of New Hampshire staff and volunteers welcome you to the 2021 Black New England Conference. Our online conference is being hosted by SNHU Media Services using a web service called RingCentral. To help you feel more comfortable with this virtual conference space, we’ve put together a few hints and guidelines.

Tech Support

Conference staff will be available for tech support. If you have problems joining the conference, or other technical issues, contact us by phone or  email.

  • Call 603-570-8469
  • Send email to: (Include the words TECH SUPPORT in the subject line.)

Joining the Conference

Find the Ring-Central-User-Guide here.

You can join the conference starting at 8:45am on both Friday and Saturday. We recommend that you join before 9:00 so you can get set up.

You can join the Virtual Awards Dinner and Keynote address at 5:45pm on Friday, October 22. This portion of the event will be via Zoom.

When you first reach the RingCentral page, download and install the RingCentral software, then follow the prompts. When you connect, you’ll be admitted to the general conference area with audio muted.

Once you’ve been admitted, the features on your screen may seem familiar. RingCentral uses an adaptation of Zoom, with features that many of us have used extensively in the last six months.

Questions for the panelists?

If you have questions during the presentations, please use the Chat feature and start your message with the word QUESTION. Conference staff will collect questions and submit them to the panel moderator for the Audience Q&A session.

Conversation Rooms

During the panel, you will be assigned to a Conversation Rooms and unmuted. In this space, you can talk with other attendees. There will be facilitators in each room to help guide the conversation.

The Conversation Rooms will close automatically at the end of the session. A few minutes before the room closes, you’ll see a message on your screen counting down the remaining time. When the room closes, you’ll return to the general conference area.

You can leave the Conversation Room at any time. This will also return you to the general conference area. Once you leave the room, you won’t be able to return.

Need Help?

For help any time during the conference, send email to: or call 603-570-8469

Please include the words TECH SUPPORT in the subject line.