O God of grace and glory, we remember today Rosary Broxay Cooper, who in a time of war, broke the mold of opportunity to become a skilled crane operator and later a business owner and community fund-raiser for veterans’ care and the promotion of democracy. Her life is a witness to the truth that the weight of discrimination can be lifted, freedom defended, and loving care extended forward to this present day. May her spirit continue to shelter those in New Hampshire’s Veterans’ Home who have given so much for all of us; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Rosary Boxay Cooper

DAY #5, March 11, 2019

Angela Matthews

Rosary Broxay Cooper, daughter of a Baptist minister, was born in 1913 and grew up in Eatonville, FL, one of the oldest Black towns in America. She graduated from the all-Black Florida Normal School with certification as a children’s nurse.

Hired to care for the children of the Merrill family, she traveled with them to New England, where the family owned a resort in Maine about 15 minutes from Portsmouth. It was there, in 1938, that she met and married Owen Finnigan Cooper and moved to Portsmouth. They lived with his mother and sister.

A year later, with the outbreak of World War II, a demand for males in the military coupled with the urgent need for supplying the war effort led to opportunities for women and Black people in well-paying, high-skilled positions ordinarily reserved for White men. Rosary Cooper stepped into one of those positions at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard. Starting as a file clerk, she took advantage of on-the-job training, with her sights set on the highest-paying twenty-ton crane operator position. Years later, she said:

“I’m not going to say I wasn’t afraid. I was. They had the wall-cranes but they didn’t pay as much money as the twenty-tons, so that’s what I wanted. You had three months to qualify and six months to make your first rating. So I kept going up until I got to be a first mate’s crane operator on the twenty-ton crane…that lays the keels for the submarines, the cradle, and the engines and torpedo tubes. So, I did that during wartime.”

While Rosary operated this crane, her husband was in the army. Toward the end of the war, when White soldiers were in short supply, the army finally allowed Black platoons in combat. Finnigan, a master sergeant in the 509th Quartermaster Division, was assigned to Europe.

With the end of the war, women were relieved of their wartime jobs to make way for the returning veterans. As for many Black Americans, peace meant unemployment for Rosary.

With their combined savings, Rosary and Finnigan bought a sixteen-room house in the Puddle Dock neighborhood of Portsmouth, today the location of Strawbery Banke Museum. They rented rooms to Black borders. An enterprising woman, Rosary also saw a market niche in hairdressing and attended beautician school in Boston for certification that allowed her to open a shop in her home in 1949. On February 1, 1953, Rosary received flowers of recognition at People’s Baptist Church for her distinctive contribution to the Seacoast’s Black community as its only beautician.
Rosary’s post-war patriotism included serving as president of the Ladies Auxiliary of Portsmouth’s Veterans of Foreign Wars, later becoming state chairwoman of the VFW’s Ladies Auxiliary. In this capacity, she presided over and raised funds for its Voice of Democracy competition for high school students. Rosary also raised funds for the Veterans Administration hospital in Tilton and for the state Soldier’s Home. Rosary Broxay Cooper died at the age of 84 on January 3, 1997.

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