Books & Prints


Richard Haynes Underground Railroad Print Series

$12 each (plus shipping)

Original works on display at Proctor Academy's Lovejoy Library

Monkey Wrench   (6"x6")
Quilt displayed as a signal for any enslaved people who planned to escape. It symbolized the time to collect tools needed on their journey north to freedom.

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Wagon Wheel  (6"x6")
Indicated wagons with hidden compartments. This was one of the primary means of transportation for enslaved people escaping.

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North Star (6"x6")
The Guiding light leading enslaved people to Canada and freedom. The big dipper always points to the North Star.

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Shoo-Fly (6"x6")
Represented an actual person that helped enslaved people escape. It was the individual's responsibility to secretly aid and harbor fugitives.

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Bear's Paw (6"x6")
Directed runaways to follow the actual trail of a bear's foot print. Animal footprints indicated the best path, like a road map, through the mountains. it also led tired and hungry runaways to food and water.

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Bow Tie (6"x6")
Displayed a directive for runaways to dress in a formal manner.

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Crossroads (6"x6")
Displayed the fugitive's safety through the Appalachian Mountains.

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Drunkard's Path (6"x6")
Showed that runaways were to move in a staggering fashion to elude anyone following them.

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Log Cabin (6"x6")
Indicated a specific log cabin in Cleveland that was a safe house.

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Glory of God (6"x8")

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Black Heritage Trail of New Hampshire

The Black Heritage Trail of New Hampshire promotes awareness and appreciation of African American history and life in order to build more inclusive communities today.

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Mail: 222 Court Street, Portsmouth NH 03801
Phone: 603-570-8469
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M - F 10 - 4 pm

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