00:53:52 Suzy Colt: Forgive me, who is the speaker now? 00:54:20 Rita Weathersby: JerriAnne Boggis, Executive Director of the BHTNH 00:54:37 Suzy Colt: Thank you 00:54:44 Anne Romney: Such awesome modeling for all of us, JerriAnne. We all need to acknowledge when we are lacking knowledge. Thank you!! 00:56:01 Gina/BHTNH (she/her): Please keep your microphones muted. 
if you have a technical problem, please put it in the chat prefaced by the letters IT (ie. IT - I can’t hear the speaker) 
If you have questions for the panelists, please put it in the chat prefaced by the letters QA (i.e. QA for panelist #1 …) For best viewing put your zoom in “presenter” mode. 00:56:03 Sue Brewer: Lost sound 00:56:09 Jane G: What happened to the sound??? 00:56:19 Gina/BHTNH (she/her): We’re working on the sound! 00:56:20 Erin Thompson: IT- We lost sound 00:56:23 Danette Wineberg: Sound was good and now is essentially gone 00:56:25 Nancy Rockwell: The sound has been lost for us all, fix the mike 00:56:28 Erin Thompson: Thank you 🙂 00:56:31 Carolyn Rayno: yes…much softer… 00:56:42 Rita Weathersby: IT on zoom the sound is very low, difficuit to understand. 00:56:42 Carolyn Rayno: it’s much softer... 00:56:42 Jean Ryan: she needs to get closer to the mic 00:56:47 Violet Anderson: IT: Increase Volume. My computer & Zoom are at max volume and can hardly hear 00:56:53 Betty Lane(she/her): Turn up your sound and you can hear until they fix the sound issue 00:57:35 Hunter Stetz: all better! 00:57:38 Sue Brewer: Much better. Thank you. 00:57:38 Marie Collins: Much better, thank you! 00:57:39 Catherine Greeley: thanks for increasing sound! 00:57:39 Sue: thank you! 00:57:43 Rita Weathersby: My sound is full volumn, still problem. on zoom. 00:57:51 Jane G: Thanks, better. 00:57:52 white: thank you! sound is perfect now. 00:57:54 Betty Lane(she/her): Thanks 00:57:57 Rita Weathersby: IT OK. now. 00:58:09 Nancy Rockwell: Thanks 01:01:45 Tj Wheeler: distortion is getting worse though I did increase my own volume which is helping... Distortion seems to be getting a little better (though still rough) 01:17:59 JerrtiAnne Boggis: Hi Everyone, thank you all for joining us here today. Please remember to post your questions in the chat and we will do our best to get to them. 01:18:07 Ellen Fine: Having lived in the White Mountains for years, I had the gift of walking on many of these trails, now known as the Kanc and the trails in the woods from what is now known as Waterville to Lincoln,, the Sandwich Notch Road. The current residents would do well to be thankful and offer appreciation for the Abenaki bands that created and walked these trails for thousands of years... Much gratitude for Tribal leadership in the Abenaki Cowasuck Penacook, Mohawk, Huron, Mi'kmaq and other Tribal Chiefs, Elders and Members who are here today... 01:19:15 JerrtiAnne Boggis: “If there is honesty in these celebration, they must acknowledge the inheritance of the country before European invasion.” 01:19:17 Stephanie Seacord: The 400th anniversary is very definitely including the millenia before 1623 and acknowleidging that 1623 is the year of settlement. 01:19:49 Stephanie Seacord: Sorry -- "settlement by English colonizers" 01:19:55 Jody Fernald: Do your tribes have membership policies including for those whose ancestors intermarried with Africans? 01:22:15 Crystal Paradis (she/her): Thank you, Kathleen! 01:22:30 JerrtiAnne Boggis: “They our Ancestors live on in us” 01:23:12 CORA QUISUMBING-KING (she/her): Thank you, Kathleen. Over here in Dover. 01:24:18 Joy Meiser Mendis: Thank you, Kathleen Blake, for your truth-telling! 01:25:17 Anne Romney: That was so important for everyone to hear, Kathleen. Thank you so much! 01:42:38 Brenda Watts: To speakers-what history of indigenous presence on the Isles of Shoals could you share? 01:42:50 Ellen Fine: That peak myth and putting the fear of G-d into legislators about loss of power is what brought the proposed fracked gas infrastructure and years of this fight in NH and sadly the already built M & R station in West Roxbury and Compressor in Weymouth, MA... It is a power company and grid operator myth to build out costly fracked gas infrastructure. The only ones who pay, are the people, on many levels. 01:48:08 Bonnie Keast: Sound is cutting out! 01:48:16 Herb Moyer: Audio is breaking up 01:48:18 Rita Weathersby: IT problem -Denise’s and Paul 01:48:18 Jean Ryan: sound is cutting out 01:48:21 Sue: sound going off & on 01:48:43 patriciameyers: IT:sound in being interrupted 01:49:22 Rita Weathersby: IT Sound is problematic on zoom 01:50:18 patriciameyers: still breaking up 01:50:22 Beth Draper: sound is breaking up and cutting out 01:50:31 Nancy Rockwell: Sound is really poor, cuts in and out. I think you should not use this site, with is inadequate tech, while so many of us are on Zoom. 01:51:05 Brenda Watts: How to see upcoming film? Sound was out during this part of Pouiliots talk 01:51:16 Tonya Ward Singer: IT- if anyone else in the room on the same WIFI network as the speakers can turn off camera - or not use the internet that could potentially help. 01:52:06 Krista Helmboldt: Sound still garbly 01:52:49 Nancy Rockwell: This is a great program, damaged by bad tech. It isn't a question of us being patient, it really is important that you meet in a place with much better technology. 01:53:34 Dianne Lavoie: Sound still awful, 01:53:45 Krista Helmboldt: I think it just got better, thank you 01:53:46 Patricia Bass: I’m going to give my annual contribution to BHTNH early this year to help fund better mikes & general zoom equipment. !! 01:53:52 Ginny Cole: These talks deserve a best that tech has to offer 01:54:19 Sharon Spickler: sound is so poor missing a lot of important info 01:54:23 Joanne Holman (she, her, hers): Hurray sound much better! 01:54:23 Beth Fox: yes, good presentation. Much better, thank you. 01:54:42 Tonya Ward Singer: I didn’t hear the speaker’s name. Please type in the chat. Thank you! 01:54:44 Krista Helmboldt: It's good now - good job IT -- thank you so much! <3 01:54:50 Hunter Stetz: James Edgell 01:54:52 Lynn Zeltman: How can we contact the presenters? 01:54:56 Gina/BHTNH (she/her): Speaker is James Edgell 01:55:16 Tonya Ward Singer: Thank you @Hunter and @Gina! 01:56:49 CORA QUISUMBING-KING (she/her): The extensive work of the Pouliots is much admired! Thank you. 01:58:10 Brenda Watts: Amazing all the projects that the Pouliots are involved with Glad to see UNH so involved. How smart to involve so many commmunities and state departments….. 02:01:14 Deb Sugerman: How do we get involved in helping with all the projects? 02:01:24 rebecca courser: I would also like to give a shout out to the Abenaki Trails Project with the Nulhegan Abenaki Tribe at Nelhegan-Mempremagog. Similar projects are taking place in the western Merrimack Co. 02:01:41 Laura Montville: Hi Deb Sugerman! I have same question! 02:03:57 Gina/BHTNH (she/her): If you have any questions, please put them here. 02:04:07 Jane Finn: How could we get information to include in our 400 year celebration? 02:04:58 Elsa Voelcker: How does the weir actually function? How does one get the eels and fish out of the apparent trap? 02:05:20 Ann Sherpick (she/her) Oakland CA / Portsmouth NH: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fishing_weir 02:05:50 Stephanie Seacord: I forgot to say that Anne Jennison is a member of the board of Portsmouth NH 400th Inc. so pre-1623 history is actively present in the development of events and programs in 2023. 02:06:40 Hunter Stetz: Hi it's Hunter! Could one of you speak a little to periods of time of "hiding in plain site" in the 19th and 20th centuries? such as what it entailed to be a local NH community member but presenting (to varying degrees) as assimilated into Euro-american society 02:07:43 Mark & Jan Sylor: Q: Here in Nashua the local tribe was the Pennacook. Are they a recognized tribe? Is they any place where we can learn more about the Pennacook? 02:08:29 Dianne Lavoie: Louder please. 02:11:55 CORA QUISUMBING-KING (she/her): YES, we can 02:11:56 Krista Helmboldt: can hear 02:11:56 Erin Thompson: yes 02:11:59 Erin Thompson: 🙂 02:13:23 Hunter Stetz: and Instagram @indigenousnew hampshire 🙂 02:14:21 patriciameyers: Suggest indigenous nh set up an advocacy site 02:15:25 Brenda Watts: excellent comment re listening! 02:15:31 rebecca courser: thank you so much - very powerful program. 02:16:01 Maggie Fogarty, she/her, AFSC: Thank you for this very important learning opportunity and for your excellent leadership. 02:16:51 Ellen Cohn: Thank you so much! 02:17:06 Sue: what’s the name of the book he’s holding? 02:17:11 Jody Fernald: thanks to all for a super program. Historical examples were much appreciated regarding race. 02:17:47 Ginny Cole: wonderful presentation Thank you so much! 02:17:51 CORA QUISUMBING-KING (she/her): Thank you for hosting this gathering and thank you to the speakers. 02:17:52 Sue: thank you so much! 02:20:16 Peter Somssich: The law in question is just a proposal, it has not yet passed , may never pass 02:20:23 Krista Helmboldt: Wliwni! <3 02:20:34 patriciameyers: where folks can sign up to lobby on behalf of your issues and to be advised of issues and new developments 02:20:34 Margery Phillips: I am so grateful for this opportunity 02:20:35 Tonya Ward Singer: Thank you!!! 02:20:41 white: This was fantastic presentation! 02:21:03 Sue Brewer: This has been a fabulous conversation! Thank your sharing. 02:21:11 Nadine Petty (she/her/hers): Thanks Kathleen, Anne, Paul, Denise, James, NHBHT, and everyone else behind the scenes who made this event possible. The efforts around Indigenous education and cultural preservation and the overall activism within the state is so very important. 02:21:23 Jane G: Thank you so much for this presentation. Please, in the future have better technology, we missed so much! Last week didn't have these issues. 02:21:23 Juno: thank you so, so much for this program. 02:21:29 Suzanne P: Thank you for this program and all the panelists. 02:21:36 Anne Romney: Thank you so much to everyone on the panel - we are listening, learning and wanting to support. 02:21:44 Nancy Rockwell: Yes, a terrific presentation, sad about the constant failure of audio. There are a lot more of us on Zoom than in the room - please remember that - 02:21:51 CORA QUISUMBING-KING (she/her): We see you. 02:22:02 Lynda Davis (she/her): Thank you to the tech people. 02:22:16 Doneta Fischer: Thank you! 02:22:51 Crystal Paradis (she/her): Thanks to all panelists & moderators! 02:22:57 Barbara Bald: Thank you so much, grateful to be here 02:23:09 Anne Williamson: Thank you so much for great presentations, thank you to the Black Heritage Trail for these courageous conversations 02:23:10 Tonya Ward Singer: THANK YOU, JerriAnne and BHTNH! 02:23:22 Lynda Davis (she/her): Ditto Tonya!!! 02:23:25 Melina Hill Walker: Thank you all! Great panel presentation! 02:23:33 Kathleen Blake: Thank you, Black Heritage Trail, for hearing our voices. We appreciate you. 02:23:34 Sue Kim (she/her): Yay JerriAnne! And all the people at BHTNH who worked to put this amazing presentation together! The speakers were FABULOUS - I learned so much! 02:23:35 Sonya: Wonderful, h\ 02:23:44 Kai Stapelfeldt: It was so good to hear Indigenous people finally speak their truth, instead of being polite. Thank you for giving them the opportunity. 02:23:51 Sue Brewer: How to get the transcript? 02:24:06 Krista Helmboldt: !!! *** JerriAnne *** !!! 02:24:20 Gina/BHTNH (she/her): @Sue - it will all be posted on our website as soon as we can